A Look at the Design of SQLite4 — Described as “just like SQLite3, but with an improved interface and file format”, SQLite4 is going to be “an alternative, not a replacement, for SQLite3.”
Have you got SQL fingers? — Watch these free SQL Prompt tips videos for SQL writing hints from top SQL Server MVPs. SQL Prompt is the SQL code productivity add-in for SQL Server Management Studio and Visual Studio. Find out how easily you can write SQL.
Benchmarking Elasticsearch vs InfluxDB for Time-Series Data — Some of the InfluxData team set out to compare the performance and features of InfluxDB and Elasticsearch for common time-series workloads. (Note: InfluxData develops InfluxDB.)
Shubhra Kar video
Understanding Outliers with Skew and Kurtosis in SQL — Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable about its mean, and kurtosis is a measure of the “tailedness” of the same distribution. Confused? Here’s a practical example.
Periscope tutorial
Efficient Pagination in SQL and ElasticSearch — Traditional pagination queries can have a high hidden cost. Here, an interesting technique to make pagination more efficient is explored.
Salsify tutorial
Monitoring MongoDB Performance Metrics — By properly monitoring MongoDB you can quickly spot slowdowns, or pressing resource limitations, and know how to fix performance issues. This series covers WiredTiger but there’s a MMAP edition too.
Jean-Mathieu Saponaro tutorial
Scaling to 100M: MySQL is a Better NoSQL — When considering a NoSQL use case, such as key/value storage, MySQL made more sense to Wix in terms of performance, ease of use, and stability.
Yoav Abrahami opinion
Job Offers. No resume necessary. — Create your Hired profile to get top companies to start applying to hire you. Get offers from $75,000 - $250,000 on the platform in 1 week.
Postgres & Redis Sitting In a Tree — “Typically a company may start with a relational database like Postgres and then add Redis for more high velocity use-cases. What if you could tie the two systems together to enable so much more?”