Google's Call to Stop Grooming Data and Accept Its Infinite Arrival —
Some reflections on Google’s Cloud Dataflow. The ‘dataflow model’ leans on the idea that database systems need to handle never ending streams of data without grouping it into finite ‘pools of information’ we perform operations on.
The New Stack
Database Versioning Best Practices —
A look at database versioning best practices for when your app is distributed across multiple environments or even clients.
Vladimir Khorikov
VividCortex - the New Face of Database Monitoring — VividCortex is the best way to see what is happening on your production servers. Unlike traditional monitoring, we measure and analyze the system’s work and resource consumption. This leads directly to better performance for IT as a whole, at reduced cost and effort.
Vivid Cortex sponsored
Data Has A Shape —
An interview with Gurjeet Singh, CEO of machine learning company Ayasdi, about using topology to uncover the ‘shape’ of your data.
RethinkDB 2.1 Released —
Includes automatic failover, ability to add and remove nodes from a cluster without any downtime, SSL access, and more.
Making Postgres Bloom —
Bloom filters are a probabilistic data structure that are space efficient for membership queries in a set of data (at the cost of false positives). Here’s a walk through of recreating their functionality in Postgres.