Crab: Use Your SQL Skills to Analyze Files and Run Commands —
Essentially a sort of SQL-powered shell (imagine select fullpath, bytes from files order by bytes desc limit 5;). Currently Mac and Unix only. Free to evaluate but a (low priced) commercial product.
Real-time Database Monitoring at Any Scale with Datadog — Use Datadog's turn-key integrations to seamlessly aggregate metrics and events across your databases and entire devops stack. Gain powerful insight into all your apps, tools and services. Start your Free Datadog Trial today.
TiDB: A Distributed SQL Database Written in Go —
Inspired by the design of Google F1, TiDB is a distributed SQL database with the best features of both traditional RDBMS and NoSQL. Still early days and not recommended for production.
PingCAP code
SQL vs NoSQL KO: Postgres vs Mongo —
A thorough comparison of Postgres to Mongo (one of the predominant NoSQL databases). Instead of just performance benchmark fodder, this post does a great job helping educate about many of the differences along the way.
MoSQL: A MongoDB to PostgreSQL Streaming Translator —
Imports the contents of your MongoDB database cluster into a PostgreSQL instance, using an oplog tailer to keep the SQL mirror live up-to-date. This lets you run production services against a Mongo database, and then run offline reporting using SQL.
Stripe tools
The Story of Why Web SQL Died —
This is an old post but I missed it first time around and it’s an interesting story.
Nolan Lawson opinion
In brief
OSCON EU 2015: Amsterdam, October 26-28 — O'Reilly's OSCON open source conference is coming to Europe this October, featuring speakers like Douglas Crockford of PayPal and Leslie Hawthorn of Elastic. There's a data track too.