PostgreSQL logoModern CPU models have a huge number of cores. For many years, applications have been sending queries in parallel to databases. Where there are reporting queries that deal with many table rows, the ability for a query to use multiple CPUs helps us with a faster execution. Parallel queries in PostgreSQL allow us to utilize many CPUs to finish report queries faster. The parallel queries feature was implemented in 9.6 and helps. Starting from PostgreSQL 9.6 a report query is able to use many CPUs and finish faster.

The initial implementation of the parallel queries execution took three years. Parallel support requires code changes in many query execution stages. PostgreSQL 9.6 created an infrastructure for further code improvements. Later versions extended parallel execution support for other query types.

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  • Do not enable parallel executions if all CPU cores are already saturated. Parallel execution steals CPU time from other queries, and increases response time.
  • Most importantly, parallel processing significantly increases memory usage with high WORK_MEM values, as each hash join or sort operation takes a work_mem amount of memory.
  • Next, low latency OLTP queries can’t be made any faster with parallel execution. In particular, queries that returns a single row can perform badly when parallel execution is enabled.
  • The Pierian spring for developers is a TPC-H benchmark. Check if you have similar queries for the best parallel execution.
  • Parallel execution supports only SELECT queries without lock predicates.
  • Proper indexing might be a better alternative to a parallel sequential table scan.
  • There is no support for cursors or suspended queries.
  • Windowed functions and ordered-set aggregate functions are non-parallel.
  • There is no benefit for an IO-bound workload.
  • There are no parallel sort algorithms. However, queries with sorts still can be parallel in some aspects.
  • Replace CTE (WITH …) with a sub-select to support parallel execution.
  • Foreign data wrappers do not currently support parallel execution (but they could!)
  • There is no support for FULL OUTER JOIN.
  • Clients setting max_rows disable parallel execution.
  • If a query uses a function that is not marked as PARALLEL SAFE, it will be single-threaded.
  • SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level disables parallel execution.

Test environment

The PostgreSQL development team have tried to improve TPC-H benchmark queries’ response time. You can download the benchmark and adapt it to PostgreSQL by using these instructions. It’s not an official way to use the TPC-H benchmark, so you shouldn’t use it to compare different databases or hardware.

  1. Download (or newer version) from official TPC site.
  2. Rename makefile.suite to Makefile and modify it as requested at . Compile the code with make command
  3. Generate data: ./dbgen -s 10 generates 23GB database which is enough to see the difference in performance for parallel and non-parallel queries.
  4. Convert tbl files to csv with for + sed
  5. Clone pg_tpch repository and copy csv files to pg_tpch/dss/data
  6. Generate queries with qgen command
  7. Load data to the database with ./ command.

Parallel sequential scan

This might be faster not because of parallel reads, but due to scattering of data across many CPU cores. Modern OS provides good caching for PostgreSQL data files. Read-ahead allows getting a block from storage more than just the block requested by PG daemon. As a result, query performance is not limited due to disk IO. It consumes CPU cycles for:

  • reading rows one by one from table data pages
  • comparing row values and WHERE conditions

Let’s try to execute simple select query:

A sequential scan produces too many rows without aggregation. So, the query is executed by a single CPU core.

After adding SUM(), it’s clear to see that two workers will help us to make the query faster:

The more complex query is 2.2X faster compared to the plain, single-threaded select.

Parallel Aggregation

A “Parallel Seq Scan” node produces rows for partial aggregation. A “Partial Aggregate” node reduces these rows with SUM(). At the end, the SUM counter from each worker collected by “Gather” node.

The final result is calculated by the “Finalize Aggregate” node. If you have your own aggregation functions, do not forget to mark them as “parallel safe”.

Number of workers

We can increase the number of workers without server restart:

What’s happening here? We have changed the number of workers from 2 to 4, but the query became only 1.6599 times faster. Actually, scaling is amazing. We had two workers plus one leader. After a configuration change, it becomes 4+1.

The biggest improvement from parallel execution that we can achieve is: 5/3 = 1.66(6)X faster.

How does it work?


Query execution always starts in the “leader” process. A leader executes all non-parallel activity and its own contribution to parallel processing. Other processes executing the same queries are called “worker” processes. Parallel execution utilizes the Dynamic Background Workers infrastructure (added in 9.4). As other parts of PostgreSQL uses processes, but not threads, the query creating three worker processes could be 4X faster than the traditional execution.


Workers communicate with the leader using a message queue (based on shared memory). Each process has two queues: one for errors and the second one for tuples.

How many workers to use?

Firstly, the max_parallel_workers_per_gather parameter is the smallest limit on the number of workers. Secondly, the query executor takes workers from the pool limited by max_parallel_workers size. Finally, the top-level limit is max_worker_processes: the total number of background processes.

Failed worker allocation leads to single-process execution.

The query planner could consider decreasing the number of workers based on a table or index size. min_parallel_table_scan_size and min_parallel_index_scan_size control this behavior.

Each time the table is 3X bigger than min_parallel_(index|table)_scan_size, postgres adds a worker. The number of workers is not cost-based! A circular dependency makes a complex implementation hard. Instead, the planner uses simple rules.

In practice, these rules are not always acceptable in production and you can override the number of workers for the specific table with ALTER TABLE … SET (parallel_workers = N).

Why parallel execution is not used?

Besides to the long list of parallel execution limitations, PostgreSQL checks costs:

parallel_setup_cost to avoid parallel execution for short queries. It models the time spent for memory setup, process start, and initial communication

parallel_tuple_cost : The communication between leader and workers could take a long time. The time is proportional to the number of tuples sent by workers. The parameter models the communication cost.

Nested loop joins

PostgreSQL 9.6+ could execute a “Nested loop” in parallel due to the simplicity of the operation.

Gather happens in the last stage, so “Nested Loop Left Join” is a parallel operation. “Parallel Index Only Scan” is available from version 10. It acts in a similar way to a parallel sequential scan. The c_custkey = o_custkeycondition reads a single order for each customer row. Thus it’s not parallel.

Hash Join

Each worker builds its own hash table until PostgreSQL 11. As a result, 4+ workers weren’t able to improve performance. The new implementation uses a shared hash table. Each worker can utilize WORK_MEM to build the hash table.

Query 12 from TPC-H is a good illustration for a parallel hash join. Each worker helps to build a shared hash table.

Merge Join

Due to the nature of merge join it’s not possible to make it parallel. Don’t worry if it’s the last stage of the query execution—you can still can see parallel execution for queries with a merge join.

The “Merge Join” node is above “Gather Merge”. Thus merge is not using parallel execution. But the “Parallel Index Scan” node still helps with the part_pkey segment.

Partition-wise join

PostgreSQL 11 disables the partition-wise join feature by default. Partition-wise join has a high planning cost. Joins for similarly partitioned tables could be done partition-by-partition. This allows postgres to use smaller hash tables. Each per-partition join operation could be executed in parallel.

Above all, a partition-wise join can use parallel execution only if partitions are big enough.

Parallel Append

Parallel Append partitions work instead of using different blocks in different workers. Usually, you can see this with UNION ALL queries. The drawback – less parallelism, because every worker could ultimately work for a single query.

There are just two workers launched even with four workers enabled.

Most important variables

  • WORK_MEM limits the memory usage of each process! Not just for queries: work_mem * processes * joins => could lead to significant memory usage.
  • max_parallel_workers_per_gather  – how many workers an executor will use for the parallel execution of a planner node
  • max_worker_processes – adapt the total number of workers to the number of CPU cores installed on a server
  • max_parallel_workers – same for the number of parallel workers


Starting from 9.6 parallel queries execution could significantly improve performance for complex queries scanning many rows or index records. In PostgreSQL 10, parallel execution was enabled by default. Do not forget to disable parallel execution on servers with a heavy OLTP workload. Sequential scans or index scans still consume a significant amount of resources. If you are not running a report against the whole dataset, you may improve query performance just by adding missing indexes or by using proper partitioning.


Image compiled from photos by Nathan Gonthier and Pavel Nekoranec on Unsplash