Sorry for the brief hiatus, but now we're back with a fresh lick of paint. Onward! :-)
PipelineDB: The Streaming SQL Database —
An open-source relational database (based on PostgreSQL 9.4) that runs SQL queries continuously on streams, incrementally storing results in tables.
Bringing SSL and More to Compose MongoDB — There's a new MongoDB deployment option going into beta at Compose and it brings SSL connectivity and a new flexible configuration to the table. Rather than use MongoDB's SSL, we configure our deployments with our own special sauce that allows us to use the mongos router.
Compose sponsored
Test PostgreSQL 9.5 Alpha in a Docker container —
Postgres 9.5 is around the corner and if you don’t want to wait until it’s fully released to start playing here’s a Docker container to get you up and running with it.
Heroku Announces General Availability of Its Redis Solution —
Heroku’s in-house Redis hosting system is now generally available. A new feature called ‘Data Links’ has also been announced to let Heroku users easily do data federation; it uses Postgres’ foreign data wrappers under the hood.
Oracle's Biggest Database Foe: Could It Be Postgres? —
An EnterpriseDB survey showed 77% of users are dedicating all new deployments to PostgreSQL with 37% reporting they had migrated existing apps from Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server to Postgres.
TechRepublic opinion
The Data Lake —
A look at the concept of ‘data lakes’, a term taking off in popularity lately. Compared to warehouses, data lakes let providers push all their data in for future use without an aggregation stage.