SnappyData: OLTP + OLAP Database built on Apache Spark —
A distributed in-memory data store for real-time operational analytics, delivering stream analytics, OLTP (online transaction processing) and OLAP (online analytical processing) in a single integrated cluster. Written in Scala.
Snappy Data, Inc code
When Simple SQL Can Be Complex —
“A simple statement might have more complexity to it than you might think,” says Daniël, before showing us an example in SELECT FALSE = FALSE = TRUE;
Daniël van Eeden
The Reference Data Pattern: Extensible and Flexible —
What if you have dozens and dozens of reference tables? Is there an alternative to the one-table-per-type approach? Learn a generic and extensible database design for handling all your reference data.
Jean-Marc Reynaud tutorial
How Things Work: Containers and Postgres — The use of containers to simplify and speed the deployment and development of applications is taking off. Most container usage is focused around stateless micro-services, but data and transactions are key components of most applications. Register and attend this informational webinar.
Using PostgreSQL in R: A Quick How-To —
R is a great language when it comes to analytics, and Postgres is a great database. How about bringing the two together?
Nina Zumel
BigQuery Under The Hood —
A look at Google’s large scale data analysis platform. Notably, “it is nearly impossible to starve BigQuery out of resources [..] There is no such thing as one bad query taking down the entire service.”
Stop Applying to Jobs - Let Companies Apply to You — On Hired, sign up in 10 minutes and get offers from top companies like Facebook, Uber, & Stripe. Engineers get an average of 5 offers on the platform in 1 week. Try it today.
Solve SIEBEL OM Crashes — Automated Siebel CRM Repository Review to solve OM crashes, data corruption, slow transaction, workflow and more for $1K in under 4 hours.