Deploying a Replicated Redis Cluster on Kubernetes with Flocker —
A very extensive tutorial starting from the premise of why run Redis in Docker in the first place, through to pulling it off with Kubernetes and Flocker, a container data volume manager.
Ryan Wallner tutorial
One call to rule them all. DataMesh. — DreamFactory 2 lets you manipulate data on multiple databases across multiple servers, all from one API endpoint. Instantly.
DreamFactory sponsored
Migrating Postgres to Amazon RDS Without Downtime —
The maturity of database-as-a-service providers has improved over the last 5 years. Whether Heroku Postgres or Amazon RDS, there are now fewer reasons to manage your own. Here’s a great guide on how The Guardian migrated with no downtime from their own hosted instance to RDS.
The Guardian
How We Monitor and Run Elasticsearch at Scale —
Some lessons learned from monitoring and alerting on Elasticsearch in production, at scale, in a demanding environment with very high performance expectations.
Why We Chose HBase Over Other NoSQL Databases —
AppDynamics, a company that provides app performance monitoring services, needed to store huge amounts of metrics for future analysis. Here’s a look at why HBase was a good fit.
Gautam Borah opinion
The Big Data Landscape —
A gigantic searchable and sortable table of 680 companies in or related to the ‘big data’ ecosystem.
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