Five Online Database Modelling Services —
Browser technology has progressed so rapidly that online database modelling tools have become viable. Are they good enough to use now? Robert Sheldon finds out.
Database Compatibility for Oracle Explained — Learn how organizations can reduce their database spend by 80% or more by deploying EDB Postgres in place of traditional database solutions like Oracle, according to calculations in a recent Gartner report.
How to Perform Random Queries on MongoDB —
A common problem across all types of database, MongoDB 3.2 now has a $sample operator that implements a native random sample operation over a collection data set.
Norberto Leite
10 Tips for Integrating NoSQL Databases in Your Business —
NoSQL databases provide the agility, scalability, performance and availability to support many applications today, but implementing them is not always easy. Here are 10 tips for integrating NoSQL systems in your organization.
Design Your Database for Flexibility —
“One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is to spend extra effort thinking about the database when setting out to build something new.”
Dan Goldin opinion
Using GraphQL with NoSQL database ArangoDB —
GraphQL is a Facebook-created query language for requesting datasets over the Web (it essentially provides an alternative to REST APIs). As a multi-model database, it’s possible to get it working with ArangoDB.
Stop Applying to Jobs - Let Companies Apply to You — On Hired, sign up in 10 minutes and get offers from top companies like Facebook, Uber, & Stripe. Engineers get an average of 5 offers on the platform in 1 week. Try it today.
Hacking Microsoft SQL Server Without a Password —
“What I found was that with a little packet hacking, I could take control of a Microsoft SQL Server box without having any stolen credentials using a Man in the Middle style attack.”