Elastic Gives ElasticSearch a Graph Query Engine — Elastic has announced that it’s added a graph query engine to Elasticsearch, so users now have the option of using their search indexes as the basis for conducting graph analyses.
Datanami news
Caravel: Airbnb’s Data Exploration Platform — A data exploration platform designed to be visual, intuitive and interactive. The video and screenshots are very appealing. Caravel allows visualization-based exploration of data while performing fast “slicing and dicing” against any dataset.
Citus Unforks From PostgreSQL, Goes Open Source — Citus Data has released Citus 5.0 which comes along with two major announcements. The first is it’s entirely an extension, making it the first distributed databased to not fork Postgres but use native extension APIs. The second, it’s now open source.
Citus Data
SQL: How to Create An Execution Plan — When you’re trying to get SQL to run faster, there’s one thing that’s vital: an execution plan. In this post Chris Saxon investigates how to create yours.
Oracle tutorial
What is Blockchain? — A primer for people just starting to wrap their heads around blockchain, a type of distributed database that maintains an expanding ledger of data and records.
Stop Applying to Jobs - Let Companies Apply to You — On Hired, sign up in 10 minutes and get offers from top companies like Facebook, Uber, & Stripe. Engineers get an average of 5 offers on the platform in 1 week. Try it today.