ArangoDB: Polyglot Persistence Without Cost — An open source NoSQL database that provides flexible data model. You can use ArangoDB to model data using combination of document, graph, and key value data modeling styles.
Unlimited Scalability & Unprecedented Speed with the GridGain In-Memory Data Fabric — GridGain enables high-performance transactions, real-time streaming and fast analytics using a distributed, massively parallel architecture which can connect SQL, NoSQL, and Hadoop databases. GridGain is an enterprise-ready solution built on Apache Ignite™.
Getting Started with Graph Databases — A brief overview of RDBMS architecture in comparison to graph-based, basic graph terminology, and real-world use cases for graph databases.
Job Offers. No resume necessary. — Create your Hired profile to get top companies to start applying to hire you. Get offers from $75,000 - $250,000 on the platform in 1 week.
One Call to Rule Them All — DreamFactory's autogenerated REST APIs work across multiple databases on a multitude of servers. Free, open source platform.