TOPDB Top Database index

The TOPDB Top Database Index is created by analyzing how often database names are searched on Google

The more an Database is searched, the more popular the Database is assumed to be. It is a leading indicator. The raw data comes from Google Trends.

If you believe in collective wisdom, the TOPDB Top Database index can help you decide which Database to use for your software development project.



This chart uses a logarithmic scale. It can show your favorite Database in a country


The TOPDB Top Database Index is created by analyzing how often databases are searched on Google : the more an Database is searched, the more popular the Database is assumed to be. The raw data comes from Google Trends.

If you believe in collective wisdom, the TOPDB Top Database index can help you decide which Database to use for your software development project.

Some Database are not listed because their name has other meanings, or because there is not enough data for them on Google Trends.

We export the data from Google Trends in CSV format, [s] and analyze it with python's pandas. We first calculate the interest of each Database relative to Oracle every month. Normalizing the total to 100% yields the share of interest in each database, i.e. their popularity, which we smooth over 6 months.
© Pierre Carbonnelle, 2023, CC BY 3.0.