#305 — May 22, 2020

Read on the Web

Database Weekly

Using SQL to Find The Best Photo of a Pelican (According to Apple Photos) — Apple Photos stores photo metadata in an SQLite database – nothing odd about that. But what is odd is that Photos calculates numerous types of ‘aesthetic score’ for your photographs.. meaning you can find out which photos of yours it thinks are best!

Simon Willison

A Jepsen Analysis of MongoDB 4.2.6 — Jepsen is well known for its in-depth reports on the safety and reliability of distributed systems, and here their attention is turned to MongoDB with some worrying conclusions particularly around transactions and consistency violations.

Kyle Kingsbury

CosmosDB Profiler: Your Cloud Cost Optimization Tool — Use the CosmosDB Profiler to cut your Cloud budget up to 70% by optimizing how your application interacts with your CosmosDB Database. It’s the easy way to save money.

Hibernating Rhinos sponsor

▶  A Chat with Richard Hipp, the Creator of SQLite — Part of a broader initiative to interview database experts every week. I really enjoyed this. Richard is an engaging speaker.

Federico Razzoli and Richard Hipp

Spark 3.0 to Get Native GPU Acceleration — NVIDIA is working with Apache Spark’s open source community to bring native GPU acceleration to the next version of the big data framework.


The PGCon 2020 PostgreSQL Conference Streaming Free Next Week — Due to the current world situation, many events are going online-only and Postgres’s annual PGCon is doing just the same with three streaming rooms, Zoom, and an IRC chat across May 26-29.


▶  The Top 10 Videos from RedisConf TakeawayRedisConf Takeaway was a remote version of the annual Redis conference that took place recently and Redis Labs has shared some of the talks covering topics like how Redis 6.0’s security features work, memory optimization, and how to get started with Redis.

Redis Labs

SQL Is Dead, Right? — An opinion piece, obviously 😁 At 46 years old, SQL is far from dead, and it’s neat to see an evangelist for Couchbase acknowledge this.

Andrew Oliver

Shrinking BSON Documents — One issue with systems with dynamic schemas is that the names for things can take up more space than the actual values, as was seen in a tweet about DynamoDB. Does shrinking attribute names also help with MongoDB? Yes, but readability takes a bit of a hit!

Richard Startin

MongoDB Is Easy. Now Make It Powerful. Free Download for 30 Days. — Using MongoDB Atlas? Studio 3T is the professional GUI and IDE that unlocks the power you need.

Studio 3T sponsor

PostgreSQL 13 Beta 1 Released — The draft release notes are available.

PostgreSQL Global Development Group

How to Build an AppSync API using a Single Table DynamoDB Design — Heads deep into the GraphQL weeds here.

Rich Buggy

SQL Window Functions Cheat Sheet and Reference


Global DataSphere to Hit 59 Zettabytes in 2020 Alone, IDC Projects — Just to put that into some perspective, that’s 7.8 terabytes for every human on Earth. In a single year!
