#193 — March 2, 2018 |
Database Weekly |
Queryparser: A Tool for Parsing and Analyzing SQL — When Uber needed to identify every foreign-key relationship in a complex data warehouse, it built an SQL query parser and analyzer which it has open sourced. Uber Engineering |
Weighing Open Source's Worth for the Future of Big Data — Open source has had a huge role to play in the development of big data technology, and nowadays groundbreaking data products are most likely to debut as open source. Datanami |
![]() Introduction to InfluxDB and TICK Stack — Learn how to get up and running with the fastest growing open source TSDB. InfluxData sponsor |
Bringing GPUs To Bear on 'Bog Standard' Relational Databases — GPU accelerated databases have mostly been distinct from traditional database systems so far, but now there are efforts to bring CPU acceleration to MariaDB and PostgreSQL analytical workloads . Timothy Prickett Morgan |
A Large Scale, Production NoSQL Database Migration — How (and why) AppsFlyer migrated from Couchbase to Aerospike without everything blowing up. Ido Barkan |
How We Wronged Neo4j and PostgreSQL: ArangoDB Updates Its Benchmarks — ArangoDB recently published benchmarks comparing Neo4j, Ppstgres, MongoDB, OrientDB & ArangoDB, but has had to make some updates. ArangoDB |
Three Approaches to PostgreSQL Replication and Backup Ozgun Erdogan |
Transferring SQL Server Database Data to MySQL using .NET Core Talking Dotnet |
TiDB: Performance-Tuning a Distributed NewSQL Database Jinpeng Zhang |
Using Amazon Athena and QuickSight for ALB-ELB Access Log Analysis Victor Grenu |
MongoDB Tutorial Series: How to Develop an Effective Indexing Strategy Studio 3T sponsor |
The Rise of the Distributed SQL Database PJ Hagerty |
I Wanna Go Fast: Why Searching Through 500M Pwned Passwords Is So Quick — It basically involved ditching the database. Troy Hunt |
What I Learnt Building 3 Apps on an Embedded Key Value Store — Namely BoltDB, a Go-based key/value database. Anthony Alaribe |
How MongoDB's Query Planner Works — How does plan selection in MongoDB compare to in relational databases? Miguel Angel Nieto |